Time to name the answer to my title-bar quiz and post a new image to be guessed at.
For those of you who voted, 5 of 7 of you got the correct answer. It is indeed an Alchemic Trasmutation Circle which comes from one of my favorite anime series: Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA).
There are several different transmutation circles the characters use to manipulate the world in various ways. This particular circle is quite significant in the series in that it is used to seal a homunculus. I won't go into more detail than that because if you haven't seen the series I wouldn't want to ruin it.
FMA is an excellent blend of beautiful anime, with humor, and a storyline to melt your brain. One of my favorite elements of the show is the character interaction. By the end of the 14 disk series you get such a feeling of family and connection to all the characters because they all have a connection to each-other. It was so popular as a manga and anime in Japan, that it has been translated into English extremely well. So much so that I would recommend watching it in English! I know, I know, blasphemy, but seriously, they did such a good job that the subtitles just don't do it justice.
If you live in the Boulder area, I'd be happy to lend you my copy, or I'm sure you can rent it from Netflix if that's more your thing.
Now, onto the new picture! Take a vote if you think you know where it comes from. Again, its just a snippet from a larger image, and it will most likely have a nerdy influence.
Good Luck!
pic via someone's Friendster profile
Man I miss FMA... :'(